
Dan Howard   -  

The last few days have been a challenge for my family. We lost power in Tuesdays storm, and as I sit here writing (Wednesday night) I have no idea when the power will return. Best estimates are Thursday evening, but it may be Friday…and Friday is potentially another round of bad weather… no good worrying about it…. but regardless I am sitting here by lantern light in a quiet room. The camp lantern keeps the darkness at bay, but that doesn’t stop me from tripping over the things that lurk in the shadows. A toy here, table sticking out there. Depth perception is so much more difficult in the twilight…. difficult and painful.

We are not made to walk in darkness. From the very first moment of Scripture God created light and it was good. Yet again and again mankind chose darkness. Hid his actions in darkness. Thought that God could not see what was being done.  Jesus says in John 3:19-21 that people liked the darkness for that reason. But Paul reminds us in Colossians 1:13 that we have been delivered from darkness and brought into God’s kingdom. So even though we temporarily wrestle against darkness, Ephesians 6:12, we are called to remember in Ephesians 5:8 that we walk as children of the light. So, there we are, some quick thoughts on darkness. And it is probably good that they are quick. I am looking down at my laptop battery and it is getting low…but that is a devotion for another day. Until then, walk in the light my friends. See you Sunday!


  • Pastor Dan