The Eyes Have It

Steve Skiver   -  

It has been a very long time since I have looked into someone’s eyes. I do not mean the gestalt of looking at someone’s face and catching their eyes; I mean that deep, searching view. Generally, there must be a mutual assent for something more than a socially accepted gaze. Our culture is quick to pronounce a “creep factor” with a “what’s you lookin’ at?” rejoinder. Our culture has been conditioned to process information with a mere passing in a blink of an eye. In that blink of an eye, critical information will be missed. Just survey any newsfeed article on a “fast breaking news” story and watch how information changes over time and scrutiny.



Where am I going with this?, you may ask. Look into my eyes. That’s enough. What do you see?



Trust the Promises,



Steve Skiver