Hey Mom, Watch This

Dan Howard   -  

Hey Mom, Watch This!

Those words must have struck a combination of terror and amusement into my mother’s heart. I can remember yelling them as I jumped from heights, or tackled my brothers, or worked a number of shenanigans. As I look back at it now, as I start to hear those words yelled across the house, I realize the love a parent has for their children. What a parent sacrifices for their children. That all a parent truly desires in return is the laugh, the smile, the hug. This weekend we celebrate what it means to be mom; because what you do is done in the very image of God. You are responsible for the giving of life, the nurturing of us all, the patience shown in rebellion and adversity, and desire that a child should always find their way home. More than that you help raise up the next generation of Christians. As Paul said in is opening in 2nd Timothy 1 (ESV)

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God according to the promise of the life that is in Christ Jesus, To Timothy, my beloved child: Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. I thank God whom I serve, as did my ancestors, with a clear conscience, as I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day. As I remember your tears, I long to see you, that I may be filled with joy. I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well. For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

Passing faith is not quick or easy. Perhaps one of the Best stories I can share with you is the story of Monica the mother of Augustine of Hippo (ok, I will pause for a moment here to let the giggling stop. Hippo is a region in Africa). She struggled to pass her faith on to her children, but her pagan husband would not allow it. Augustine lived, in his own words, a lazy life, filled with wine and women. He went from pagan to Manichaean and struggled with his mother over religion until finally she broke through and he was baptized at the age of 31. It was a 17 year battle that she won by following him town to town. She was there always ready with words of the Gospel. She never gave up. Augustine would end his life as a Bishop, and be known as Saint Augustine. He was a prolific writer and stanch defender of the church and its doctrine. And it is all because mom refused to give up.  A mother’s love. A true reflection of the love that God has for his people. After all, Jesus said “I have longed to gather you as a mother hen gather her children beneath her wings.” (Matthew 23:37). Today, as we celebrate moms, I say thank you for the love you share.

But I don’t think it is fair to stop there. Because while I know being a mom is not easy, I know that the things around being a mom is hard to. I want to make sure all aspects of being mom are recognized.

To those who are raising children, I pray you get a nap, the food stains out, and I say thank you.

To those who are struggling to have children, I pray peace and patience, and God’s blessings.

To those who have mourned the loss of a child this year, I pray you find solace in the knowledge of the eternal love of God.

To those who have struggled against your children, I ask God to give you the wisdom, persistence and patience that Monica showed with her son. Don’t give up.

If you are a foster mom or a step-mom, I thank you for the great responsibility you have undertaken. You are needed.

To the individual who had an abortion, and this last weekend mourned the lost opportunities of motherhood, I offer the peace found in God’s mercy and forgiveness, and the reassurance of His grace.

To the one who gave up the child to adoption, I thank you for your act of selflessness! It models a love that sacrifices.

If you are a mentor, a surrogate mom, or a “mom of the heart” thank you for reflecting God’s love so clearly.

To the single mom, you are not alone. You are part of the body of Christ. If you need help may we be ready to assist.

To those who have lost mom, or grandma this year, I mourn with you, but I encourage you to look forward to the resurrection and the reunion we will share in heaven.

If you don’t have the joy of a past with your mother; if instead it is a legacy of abuse, I am sorry for what you have experienced, and I am willing to listen.

If you are both celebrating and mourning an empty next this year, I thank you for your dedication, and pray for both you and your children.

To those who are expecting, congratulations, you are in for a grand adventure.

Despite the length of this, I know there is an aspect I have to have missed. No list is perfect. I am sure there are unique situations out there. If I missed one, know that you are still recognized by God! This mother’s day I thank God that you are here. To these women, I want you to know that you make a tremendous difference in the world. This weekend we remembered you, and we thank God for the blessings that He has given, and continues to give to us through you.


Hi Mom! Watch this!
Forgiven by God even faster than by my mother

-Pastor Dan