A New Season

Dan Howard   -  

The countdown began weeks ago….

21 days of school left
14 days of school left
7 days of school left…

By the time you are reading this, my children will be screaming freedom like hulking Scotsman and running towards the car with the intention of enjoying what they think is 104 days of summer vacation….

I don’t have the heart to tell them it’s closer to 75 days of summer vacation… and it won’t be long, around August I will start my countdown

21 days of vacation left
14 days of vacation left
7 days of vacation left

Seasons change… My kids are going to be shocked when the back to school season flyers start arriving…. next week.

Time moves quickly. I think it’s important to remember that. We are people who plan and prepare and worry and fret. So, let me ask you; do you remember what you were worrying about last week? Last month? Last season?

If you are worried about a change or a season that is upon you I want to remind you of 1 Peter 5:6-7

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

We focus on the casting of anxiety on God because He cares for you.
I want to look at the start.

Humble yourself…. trust God. Worry less about what you will do and focus instead upon what God is doing. In the coming season are you going to focus on your kingdom or His? Are you going to pray “Lord your will be done” or are you going to pray “Lord I want.”

One takes humility.
But when you humble yourself do you know what happens? James 4:10 says when you lay aside your worldliness, God gives to you His joy, His exaltation.

A new season begins, to God be the glory my friends

See you Sunday,

Pastor Dan